Sunday, November 26, 2017


What is Advent? Why do we observe and/or celebrate this time of year? How do people observe this time? These are questions that I have been pondering as advent comes up. This blog post will not be very long, but I hope to provide you with some of the basics and some resources if you want to dive deeper into this season. Links to everything discussed will be available at the bottom of this page.

🎄When is Advent? On the traditional, church calendar, Advent begins 4 Sundays before Christmas. This is next Sunday, December 3rd. However, I know the IF: Gathering study begins tomorrow, November 27th and at least one church that I know of began their sermon series on Advent today.

🎄What is an Advent calendar? Advent calendars can kind of be whatever you want them to be. They traditionally go from December first through the twenty-fifth. As a child, I loved having an advent calendar that was made out of cardboard. Every day I would get to open one door on the calendar and eat the super-cheap, tasteless chocolate that was found inside. In my adult life I have seen a variety of different Advent calendars. I've seen some that are pockets and each day you pull out a good deed you want to do for the day, or a scripture for the day, or an ornament to hang on your tree. They even have beer and Lego Advent calendars. I think that an Advent calendar should be something that makes you take a moment and stop and reflect on part of God's story or something that He has done in your life. Hey, if beer does that, I say go for it! Pinterest has all kinds of creative Advent calendars for adults, children, and the whole family!

🎄What studies are available for Advent? While there are many studies available, there are only a few that I have seen and can recommend. There are books, online studies, and apps with Advent studies. For this part, I will mention a few apps/websites and books will be addressed a little later on. She Reads Truth and the IF: Gathering both have great studies available for Advent on their websites/apps. This year the IF: Gathering Study is called "Emmanuel" and it begins tomorrow. She Reads Truth has a study this year called "Joy to the World" and it begins December 3rd. Both of these have actual books that you can purchase, or you can view the studies through the apps or their websites. The She Reads Truth app study costs a few dollars, but if you go to the website, the study is free. The Bible App by YouVersion also has some Advent studies that you can download for free.

🎄What books are recommended for Advent? I haven't typically read any books specifically for advent, but when I asked, I got a few recommendations from others. My Mom said, "I read a book beginning in December t feed my spirit and increase my knowledge of the miracle, mystery & marvel that is Jesus' birth. I've read a new one each year for the last few years." Here are the suggestions that I received. As I said earlier, there will be links at the end. "Hidden Christmas" by Timothy Keller, "The Women of Christmas" by Liz Curtis Higgs, and "The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas" by Ann Voskamp. I have also seen a family Advent book by Ann Voskamp that I will link at the end if you're interested in checking it out.

🎄What am I planning on doing for Advent? Why? I honestly haven't been a super faithful Advent observer, but I want to be this year. I want to make a conscious effort to spend time with God and reflecting on the true joy that comes with this season and the story of His birth. Growing up in the church, it feels like the Christmas story has become monotonous. I don't want to live in that space any longer. I am in a season of big transitions in my life and I don't want to be anywhere other than fully trusting God with each step and knowing Him on a deeper level every day. I listened to a podcast a couple days ago that goes into great depth about Advent. It was Annie F. Downs' podcast. If you haven't listened to it you definitely should. Annie pointed out that this is a season that is so hard for so many people. It can be a very lonely season. As a single person, I have been there many times. I want to live differently this year. I really want to seek the joy that can be found in this season and ultimately in Christ. I even bought a nativity set that has the letters J-O-Y behind it to remind me. Seriously though, you all should listen to the podcast (yes, I'll post a link 😊). Annie is interviewing the writers of She Reads Truth so it may be a little biased in promoting their study, but it gives great background behind advent as well.

🎄You mentioned links? I hope this has been somewhat helpful and I pray you all have a wonderful Christmas season and find much joy in our Savior. Now here are the links!

Here is the church that I mentioned started a sermon series on Advent today. Their podcast is not up from today yet, but when it is, it can be found here: The Austin Stone

Pinterest Advent Calendars

She Reads Truth

IF: Gathering


Hidden Christmas

The Women of Christmas

The Greatest Gift

The Wonder of the Greatest Gift: Family Devotional

That Sounds Fun Podcast: Annie F. Downs

Thursday, October 19, 2017

These Are a Few of my Favorite Reads (As of late)

If  you know me, you know that I love to read. Unfortunately, as a student, much of my reading lately has been in text books. It takes me awhile to get through books these days, but I take advantage of breaks and those random "spare moments" to read something fun whenever I can. While I enjoy novels from time to time, lately I've been on a memoir kick. I love hearing people's stories whether in person or through the pages of a book. There are five strong women whose words I've enjoyed reading in the last several months and I thought I would share them with those of you who enjoy reading as much as I do. Even if I own more books than I have time to read, I am always excited to receive book recommendations, so please leave any recommendations in the comments.

I have had the privilege of being on the launch teams for two different books in the last few months. This first book comes out in just a few days, but if I were you, I'd pre-order it so you have it in your possession as soon as possible. I can't wait for my friends to get their hands on it so that I can discuss it with them! Dance Stand Run is a book written by Jess Connolly and it has seriously changed my life. The main message of this book is about living in both holiness and grace as you walk with God. Every chapter made me stop, think, pray, and praise Jesus! It was challenging, but in a good way and I am more in love with my Savior after reading Jess' words.

The other book that I have had the privilege of being on the launch team for is Jamie Ivey's If You Only Knew. I have been following Jamie and listening to her podcast, The Happy Hour for a couple years now. What I love about her both on her podcast and in her writing, is how it really feels like you're just sitting and chatting with a friend. She keeps life real. This book is great for anyone who does not feel like they fit into the church or that God would never forgive them for the sin that they keep hidden. Jamie's vulnerability about experiences in her life and the path to finding that Jesus is better was a great read! I could not put this book down and read it in two days! This book releases on January 30, 2018 and I have a feeling everyone will love it as much as me!

And Still She Laughs by Kate Merrick was a difficult, emotional read for sure, but I highly recommend it. I first heard Kate and her husband speak at the IF:Gathering about the tragedy that had happened in their life and their walk with Jesus before, during, and after. When I heard that she had a book out, I knew I had to read it. Life, and walks of faith are not always easy, but God calls us to live in joy and this book speaks of that in a real-life way.

On a little lighter note, Lorelei Gilmore, I mean Lauren Graham, wrote a book entitled Talking as Fast as I Can that was a fun read. Actually, I listened to the audio book, which she read. Growing up watching the Gilmore Girls, it was fun to hear some behind-the-scenes information and listen to her reminisce about some life-changing times in her life. Like I mentioned earlier, I just like to hear people's stories and attempt to figure out what makes them tick.

Last, but not least, I want to recommend a book by another celebrity. I fell in love with Kimberly Williams-Paisley as a child when I watched Father of the Bride over and over and over again. Her husband's music is high on my list of favorites as well. When I saw that she wrote a book about her life as the daughter of someone with Alzheimer's, you guessed it, I was intrigued by her story. I am glad to say that Where the Light Gets in did not disappoint. She writes so well of her journey. My only warning is that I don't recommend reading certain parts of it while sitting in a public area such as a coffee shop or people may wonder about the tears streaming down your face (or so I hear). 

As always, thank you for reading my ramblings and I hope these book recommendations inspire someone to pick up a book and read! Clickable links to all of these books can be found in their descriptions. Feel free to recommend more books in the comments!

Friday, August 18, 2017

What do my Love Life and the Eclipse Have in Common?

If you're anywhere on the "Path of Totality" of the upcoming eclipse, you know how insane preparations have been. People are worried. People are excited. People are skeptical. It's crazy.

As I sat down to think about my view of the upcoming once-in-a-lifetime event, I realized how complicated I really am, and quite possibly one of the major reasons that I'm single. This is written in fun, but seriously, I'm a confusing person and God is going to have to bring just the right person in my life who gets me...

The science nerd in me is STOKED for this event!

The introvert in me wishes everyone would stay in their own space and I could watch it from the comfort of my home.

The part of me with FOMO (fear of missing out) wants to be where the action is.

The realist in me is skeptical that crowds will be as big as they predict.

The proud part of me wants roads to be a mess to prove the skeptics wrong.

The part of me that loves quality time wishes that I could view this with all of my favorite people.

The part of me that loves solitude wants to be in a private place, praising God and saying, doing, whatever I want without social expectations.

There we have it folks. I'm complicated. I don't even know what my own self wants. If you know a guy who could handle this and loves Jesus, send him my way! Haha.

Unless God says "No," I'm Gonna Go

One week ago, my mom and I were in Austin, Texas. We had a wonderful time, but as much fun as we had exploring a city that we'd never been in before, that wasn't the main emphasis of our trip. If you've read my previous posts over the last couple of years, you know that my life is on a journey of sorts. This trip played into that God-driven journey.

Lord willing, I will be finished with one leg of my schooling journey by Spring Break of this upcoming school year. After winter term, I will have my associates degree and ready to embark on the next part of this exciting journey. There have been some setbacks as to my plan these last couple of months, but God's timing is still faithful and I fully trust His plan.

Just a few weeks from now, I will walk away from the job that I've had for the last 14 years and trust His provision to go to school full time. God is good and I know He is looking out for me. For now, I continue moving forward in faith until He says otherwise.

This leads me to our trip to Austin. If you know me, you know that I love adoption and how it represents the gospel of Jesus Christ. I long to serve by working in the adoption realm and getting a degree in Social Work to do so. While I need to find a new school to finish this degree, I also feel that God is leading me outside of my comfort zone and to a new city. Austin, to be specific is where I feel led. After much prayer and research, Texas has more opportunity in this realm than Oregon.

This is not a decision that I have made lightly and I have put much prayer into it, and have had confirmation by godly people and the Holy Spirit in this direction. One more major confirmation occurred this last weekend. I went to Austin praying (as were many other people) that God would make it clear if this is where I was supposed to go or not. There were no voices in the clouds, mysterious dreams, or writing on the walls, but there was peace and there were no red flags or clear "NOs."

I met with an academic advisor at a potential school and got a basic view of the town. I visited a church and felt right at home as soon as I walked in the doors. It is very different in a lot of ways than the church and town that I currently live and serve in, but something just seemed right. I am not saying for sure when I will move and I am not saying that the direction won't change if God makes it clear that it needs to, but I can safely say that it is looking more and more likely that I will be moving to Austin within the next year.

Some things still need to line up, but I will keep taking steps of faith and following this path that God has me on in obedience. For now it seems that I will need to find a place to live and a job first and foremost in Austin before continuing my education, but I trust that God will provide what I need. I will keep moving forward until He says, "NO."

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Out of the Mouths of Babes

This is my favorite time of year to work with preschoolers. This is when I see things start to click and kids get excited about learning. It is so fun to see them get excited about reading, writing, and most importantly seeing them getting excited about and sharing what they are learning from the Word of God.

It is always my prayer that the truths they hear from the Bible will truly sink in. I pray that they will truly understand and that it will change their lives, not just learn the right words and answers to recite. These last two weeks, this has been my prayer more than ever as we have been sharing the most important truth ever with these kids. I really want them to understand how loved they are by Jesus and how important his burial and resurrection is.

All of the students were excited about the Easter story, one Newsboys fan even yelled out a few times, "God's not dead, He's surely alive!",  but as time went on it became evident that some didn't quite have all of the details right. Here are a few things that had me laughing and attempting to correct theologically so they didn't go home and make their parents think that we were teaching heresy.

1) "Hosanna" quickly became a go-to answer or random shout of excitement from a few kids at super random times.

2) After talking about the last supper, one student asked me, "Every time you drink apple juice will you remember me?" Sorry sweetheart, I save the juice remembrances for Jesus.

3)Another last supper instance of confusion occurred when we were eating Ritz crackers a few days later and a child asked me, "Are we eating Jesus' skin right now?"

4) We made resurrection rolls on Thursday. Resurrection rolls are made by putting a marshmallow inside bread dough and after it cooks, the marshmallow melts and the kids see the "empty tomb." As we were making these, one student looks at me super seriously and says, "I'm just so sad that Jesus is going to burn up."

5) Later in the day, another student was telling one of his friends from another class about our special snack. He said, "We ate Jesus because He got married!" No buddy, He got BURRIED in the tomb, not married...

6) One last little nugget came while I was spending some quality time with a few students waiting by the bathrooms and asking them to tell me the Easter story. When I asked, "Why did Jesus have to die?" one child very enthusiastically responded, "So we can go to Kindergarten!"

I really do love my job and these kids keep me entertained on a regular basis. I am going to miss this.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

As My Friend Lloyd Christmas Would Say...

Here we are in April already. Flowers are blooming, Easter is just a week and a half away. I just spent a super relaxing week on vacation with my family, and God is doing some super exciting things in my life.

Yet as I sit here reflecting on all these happy things, I can't help but be a little sad for the things and people I have to say goodbye to. I have been on a roller coaster of emotions as I realize that in a few short months I will no longer be surrounded by the people and the job that I've had for the last 14 years. I know God has a plan, and I am truly more than stoked for what is ahead, but it is for sure bittersweet.

These emotions have hit me at some unexpected times. Here are just a few examples:

--->This is the time of year that my kiddos (students) are talking more and more about what the magical land of Kindergarten will be like. In past years I've said things like, "But what if I miss you too much? You can't leave me and go to Kindergarten." or "If you see me in the lunch room or the hallway next year when you're a big Kindergartener you better not be too cool to wave or say hi." The other day I found myself consoling a nervous little girl with, "You know what? I'm going to be going to a new school next year too. It is kinda scary. I totally get it, but you'll make new friends and God will be with you and help you."

--->Last holidays: Knowing that this is my last chance to celebrate holidays through the eyes of a preschooler has been more emotional than I expected. It was weird thinking that I was possibly putting together my last Valentines, seeing eyes light up about making it to the 100th day of school for the last time... St. Patrick's Day hit me hard for some reason.
-->Preparation for next year: Tomorrow night is our open house for prospective parents. This is usually our first chance to meet some of next year's students. I had to ask my boss if she even wanted me there since in past years, the new teachers come in. I will be there since nobody has been hired yet and I can answer questions, but still weird. (On a positive note, I get to ignore all talk of needed professional development hours!)
--->Conversations: As the time gets closer to me leaving, more conversations have come up as I've been talking to more coworkers about my plans. I'm excited to tell them my plans, but it always makes me realize how much I'll miss the people.
--->Moving on without me: Today the interviewing began to fill my position. That was SUPER WEIRD. It suddenly mad things seem so much more real. 

While life seems weird and saying goodbye is sad, this song has been playing on repeat in my apartment for weeks. In fact, it has been my background music as I write this. I even had to stop writing at one point and get face down before God while singing this and giving all of this to HIM.

The truth is that He really does have every part of me, every part of my future, every person and new life adventure that I will encounter. He has proven Himself faithful over and over again in my life, and especially on this journey of just taking one step at a time in faith. He is so good to me. Take a moment and listen to this song, especially if you haven't heard it before. This is truly the cry of my heart.

Thank you for reading my ramblings, praying for me, encouraging me, and trusting Jesus with me. I'll leave you will a funny conversation that I had with one of my students today(probably about the 100th conversation that I've had similarly over the years) that encouraged me to get the heck out of there.

Student: "How many children do you have?"
Me: "Zero."
Student: "You don't have any kids at your house?"
Me: "Nope. I live all by myself. I don't have any other people at my house at all."
Student (looking worried): "You don't even have a family?"
Me: "I have a family, but I don't live with them. I grew up so I moved into a different house than my parents."
Student: "What about your husband?"
Me: "I don't have a husband."
Student: "Well you better go find a husband!"

So that's it folks, I'm off to find my husband... Okay, not really. That's not why I'm leaving, but if it just so happens to happen I'm definitely not complaining!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Scary/Awkward In-between

Junior high. Middle school. Ages 12ish-14ish. Those were the days we so fondly look back on, right? The days free of drama, when we were comfortable in our own skin, we knew what was ahead and marched forward into it with gusto, unafraid, completely secure in who we were and where we were going, right? WRONG. At least for me, middle school was a time of insecurity, the in-between years of our education when our bodies were changing, hormones were raging, and there was much confusion about life and where it was headed. I was probably the least confident during those years that I have been my entire life. Simply put, I HATED middle school and couldn't be paid enough to go back.

Yet here I am, 33 years old, and in many ways I find myself at a similar in-between stage of life. Thankfully, puberty is behind me (and so is my phase of wearing baggy male clothing), I have more life experience now, and can walk into this next in-between stages with more faith in my God and more confidence that though I may not fully see what is ahead, I don't need to be afraid of the popular kids, forgetting my locker combination, or not making it through 7th grade.

When I reflect on where I am in life, it seems like just about every area of my life is currently in waiting, in the in-between stages of one step and another. I am at that awkward stage between waiting for God's voice and getting the green light to "Go now." In the words that follow, you will find the real me and where I am at right at this moment. It may be messy. It may be raw and vulnerable. It will most certainly be real (and random) and I pray it will meet you where you are, point those who read it to the Person who gives me the confidence to step forward into the unknown, the God who is faithful.

In-between Careers
If you've talked to me at all or read this blog at all in the last couple of  years, it is no secret that I am currently going to school. The super-brief back story is that I felt God was calling me to work in the adoption realm in some capacity and decided to take the first steps to do so. I went back to school to pursue a degree in social work.
Today, I took another HUGE step in this direction. I officially told my boss that I would not be returning to work for the 2017-18 school year. People, as a student and then as an employee, I have been a part of the school that I currently work at for 18 out of the last 19 years! That is well over half of my life. After graduating from high school, I went to Bible school for a year and then returned to work at my Alma mater. This place is definitely my comfort zone. I would be lying if I said I wasn't absolutely terrified.
I will, Lord willing, be finishing up my associates degree during the fall term and then transferring to another school (and most likely another state) to pursue my bachelor's degree and ultimately my masters. These are MASSIVE changes for traditional, comfortable me. While I am worried about all that could go wrong (Hello, lack of income that I need to survive), I am also extremely excited about what is in store and how God is going to provide for me and use this experience. I may be venturing deep into the unknown, but I know that the God who is guiding me can be very known and will be with me every step of the way. 
"It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." Deuteronomy 31:8
In-between the Beyoncé moments
While going about my normal, everyday life about a week ago, I obviously had all of the changes ahead in the back of my mind when I had, what I affectionately like to call a Beyoncé moment... I was home alone in my apartment. I don't even remember what I was doing, but I noticed something to the left of me, and as I tend to do, I started singing some of the lyrics to Beyoncé's Irreplaceable. I sang, "To the left, to the left, everything you own in the box to the left" and I lost it...
I immediately started thinking about everything that I had to do to prepare to pack and move. I got stressed with irrational thinking such as, "What if I can only move one box of stuff and this song actually applies to me? How am I going to decide what to keep and what to get rid of?" Then I remembered that I have almost a  year to figure all of this out. I don't have to worry about it today. I'm not moving tomorrow. Chill out, Karly. You've got time.
"Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6:34
In-between Church life
If I'm being honest, I haven't been as plugged in at church this last six months or so as I should have been. I've been using school, schedule, and the fact that I'm going to be moving "soon" as an excuse not to be serving as I should. Why invest in someone if I won't be around for the long haul? I've been content to mentally jump ahead to where God has me going, and not focusing on where He has me now, on why He has me where I am "for such a time as this." I have been convicted of this big time in the last few weeks. It is almost a year before I am moving. How many people have I encountered for less than a year that have impacted my life? Innumerable people have impacted my life and I need to be obedient to where God has me in the present time. I don't know exactly what this looks like yet to be honest, but I am praying about how to serve the church and those around me in the here and now, not just in the future. God told me to go make disciples, not to sit and wait for a year...
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20
The In-between Love life
This may be the most emotionally difficult in-between stage that I am currently in. A few months back I ended a relationship as an act of obedience to God. While it has been made clear over and over again since that time that I did the right thing, and avoided some major pain in the future, it is also hard for me to think of being single for awhile. I so long to get married and start a family. I absolutely know now that it is so much better to be single than in the wrong relationship though.
A friend recently asked me if I was ready to get back out into the dating world. I think that emotionally and mentally, I am, but it wouldn't be fair to someone to start a relationship at this point, knowing that I am planning on moving in the next year. I have mostly been content with this mindset, focusing on God and where He has me instead of desiring another relationship. Then when you least expect it, the pain hits...
I am currently taking an online women's health class. Last week we covered topics such as infertility and miscarriage. I read the statistics and had a minor melt-down. Am I really okay waiting another year before even meeting someone? I'm not as young as I used to be and my eggs may be "drying up" and prevent me from having children. How old will I be before I finally end up with someone and can start trying to have kids? Contrary to what my literary buddy Katniss Everdeen says, the odds are not in my favor... But God is. I have to trust His plan, His timing. I do trust it most of the time, but for the sake of being real, there are times that I just ache and wonder if it will ever be my time...
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end." Ecclesiastes 3:11
Here I sit, life full of in-betweens and unknowns, terrified yet excited, having to trust God more than maybe any other point in my life. I covet your prayers and can't wait to see how God uses this time in my life. I pray that I survive this awkward in-between stage much more successfully than I did my middle school years. I pray that I point to Christ more, lean more on Him, and trust Him every step of this crazy journey.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

My Jesus Year

A little over a year ago, on a day when I felt semi-content in my singleness, I jokingly told a close friend (who saw right through my comedic cover-up) that I had decided I'd be okay being single through the age of 33 if that's what God had for me. My logic went something like this, "Jesus was single for 33 years, so I can survive too."

Fast forward a few months, and there was a brief blip of "hope" that I wouldn't in fact be single for the holidays, that maybe I'd found the man that God had for me. Then, I found myself single again right before the holidays, and I was truly okay with it. I had heard from my Father, and gotten confirmation from godly council, and knew that I had to end the relationship. Yes, I cried. It was a difficult time, but I was walking in obedience, and God was with me.

Enter, my Jesus year. About a week ago I had my 33rd birthday. Your 33rd year of life is often, in Christian circles referred to your "Jesus Year" because that's how old Jesus was when He was in full-time ministry, and ultimately paid the greatest sacrifice, giving His life for us. His sacrifice made it possible for me to be where I am today.

What will my Jesus year look like? It's hard to tell. While I am nowhere near as perfect as Jesus was, I can look to His example and follow in His footsteps, with His help. No, I don't foresee a year of raising people from the dead or turning water into wine (wouldn't that be nice though?). There are a lot of  unknowns during this year, but there are also a few things that I do know will happen, as I follow my Savior's lead:

* I can trust my Father to lead me.
* I will seek His face, listen for His voice.
* I will allow Him to love people through me.
* I will make it a priority to seek a quiet place and pray.
* I will obey my Father.
* I will go where He guides.
* I will point people to my Father, and therefore to His Son.
* I will serve.
* My Father will not forsake me.

I don't know what this year has in store. I am praying about some pretty big changes that may be coming in the next year. There is the possibility of a major move to continue my education. There are things that I will totally have to step out in faith about.  While these things are terrifying, they are also exciting and I can't wait to see where my faithful Father leads me in my "Jesus Year."