Friday, August 18, 2017

What do my Love Life and the Eclipse Have in Common?

If you're anywhere on the "Path of Totality" of the upcoming eclipse, you know how insane preparations have been. People are worried. People are excited. People are skeptical. It's crazy.

As I sat down to think about my view of the upcoming once-in-a-lifetime event, I realized how complicated I really am, and quite possibly one of the major reasons that I'm single. This is written in fun, but seriously, I'm a confusing person and God is going to have to bring just the right person in my life who gets me...

The science nerd in me is STOKED for this event!

The introvert in me wishes everyone would stay in their own space and I could watch it from the comfort of my home.

The part of me with FOMO (fear of missing out) wants to be where the action is.

The realist in me is skeptical that crowds will be as big as they predict.

The proud part of me wants roads to be a mess to prove the skeptics wrong.

The part of me that loves quality time wishes that I could view this with all of my favorite people.

The part of me that loves solitude wants to be in a private place, praising God and saying, doing, whatever I want without social expectations.

There we have it folks. I'm complicated. I don't even know what my own self wants. If you know a guy who could handle this and loves Jesus, send him my way! Haha.