Saturday, April 15, 2017

Out of the Mouths of Babes

This is my favorite time of year to work with preschoolers. This is when I see things start to click and kids get excited about learning. It is so fun to see them get excited about reading, writing, and most importantly seeing them getting excited about and sharing what they are learning from the Word of God.

It is always my prayer that the truths they hear from the Bible will truly sink in. I pray that they will truly understand and that it will change their lives, not just learn the right words and answers to recite. These last two weeks, this has been my prayer more than ever as we have been sharing the most important truth ever with these kids. I really want them to understand how loved they are by Jesus and how important his burial and resurrection is.

All of the students were excited about the Easter story, one Newsboys fan even yelled out a few times, "God's not dead, He's surely alive!",  but as time went on it became evident that some didn't quite have all of the details right. Here are a few things that had me laughing and attempting to correct theologically so they didn't go home and make their parents think that we were teaching heresy.

1) "Hosanna" quickly became a go-to answer or random shout of excitement from a few kids at super random times.

2) After talking about the last supper, one student asked me, "Every time you drink apple juice will you remember me?" Sorry sweetheart, I save the juice remembrances for Jesus.

3)Another last supper instance of confusion occurred when we were eating Ritz crackers a few days later and a child asked me, "Are we eating Jesus' skin right now?"

4) We made resurrection rolls on Thursday. Resurrection rolls are made by putting a marshmallow inside bread dough and after it cooks, the marshmallow melts and the kids see the "empty tomb." As we were making these, one student looks at me super seriously and says, "I'm just so sad that Jesus is going to burn up."

5) Later in the day, another student was telling one of his friends from another class about our special snack. He said, "We ate Jesus because He got married!" No buddy, He got BURRIED in the tomb, not married...

6) One last little nugget came while I was spending some quality time with a few students waiting by the bathrooms and asking them to tell me the Easter story. When I asked, "Why did Jesus have to die?" one child very enthusiastically responded, "So we can go to Kindergarten!"

I really do love my job and these kids keep me entertained on a regular basis. I am going to miss this.

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