Sunday, January 15, 2017

My Jesus Year

A little over a year ago, on a day when I felt semi-content in my singleness, I jokingly told a close friend (who saw right through my comedic cover-up) that I had decided I'd be okay being single through the age of 33 if that's what God had for me. My logic went something like this, "Jesus was single for 33 years, so I can survive too."

Fast forward a few months, and there was a brief blip of "hope" that I wouldn't in fact be single for the holidays, that maybe I'd found the man that God had for me. Then, I found myself single again right before the holidays, and I was truly okay with it. I had heard from my Father, and gotten confirmation from godly council, and knew that I had to end the relationship. Yes, I cried. It was a difficult time, but I was walking in obedience, and God was with me.

Enter, my Jesus year. About a week ago I had my 33rd birthday. Your 33rd year of life is often, in Christian circles referred to your "Jesus Year" because that's how old Jesus was when He was in full-time ministry, and ultimately paid the greatest sacrifice, giving His life for us. His sacrifice made it possible for me to be where I am today.

What will my Jesus year look like? It's hard to tell. While I am nowhere near as perfect as Jesus was, I can look to His example and follow in His footsteps, with His help. No, I don't foresee a year of raising people from the dead or turning water into wine (wouldn't that be nice though?). There are a lot of  unknowns during this year, but there are also a few things that I do know will happen, as I follow my Savior's lead:

* I can trust my Father to lead me.
* I will seek His face, listen for His voice.
* I will allow Him to love people through me.
* I will make it a priority to seek a quiet place and pray.
* I will obey my Father.
* I will go where He guides.
* I will point people to my Father, and therefore to His Son.
* I will serve.
* My Father will not forsake me.

I don't know what this year has in store. I am praying about some pretty big changes that may be coming in the next year. There is the possibility of a major move to continue my education. There are things that I will totally have to step out in faith about.  While these things are terrifying, they are also exciting and I can't wait to see where my faithful Father leads me in my "Jesus Year."

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