Sunday, January 3, 2016

If You Would Have Told Me a Year Ago...

Happy New Year (a few days late)! This particular post has been in the works for a few weeks now, and has changed format a few times (I was even going to make a music video at one point, and NOBODY wants to see that! Ha!). As I began to think about the Christmas/New Year/Birthday/Valentine's season, it wasn't easy. On the surface, nothing much changed in 2015. I am still single and childless, working the same place that I have been for the last 12 years. Everyone around me seems to be getting married, having kids, going on these grand adventures... If I focused on that, I became bitter and resentful. Wondering what the point of 2015 was. As I cried out to God during these times, He was faithful to show me that much really had changed. He is at work in my life, and as His words say, I have received grace upon grace. Below, are just a few ways that I have seen this grace in my life in the last year.

If you would have told me a year ago that I would still be single, and be okay with being a mess about it sometimes, I would have doubted you. The truth is, that I would love to be married with kids someday (hopefully sooner than later). This has been a desire of mine for a long time. Sometimes I'm okay with my singleness, and sometimes I'm a complete wreck. This year, while learning how to lean on God more, I've learned to be more real, both with Him and with others. Upon not hiding the "ugly" parts of my life, He has been faithful to provide comfort through His Holy Spirit and through friends. Some of my close friends have heard me rant, and seen me cry, at sometimes irrational times. I have some dear friends, who are married, and instead of giving platitudes such as "Your time will come" or "It's all in God's timing", really are there for me and acknowledge the struggle. They allow me to cry and vent. They are there for me. God is there for me even more. His grace is amazing.

If you would have told me a year ago that my youngest sister would get married before me and I wouldn't have a complete meltdown, I would have thought it impossible. Thankfully, I serve the God who makes the impossible things possible. I am so excited for my sister and the Jesus loving man that she found. I didn't even shed any tears around the time of their marriage. It may have finally hit me around Christmas when we were gathering at their newly purchased home, that she has things that I have dreamed of for a long time. I may not understand God's timing, but I am truly happy for them, and it's by God's grace alone that I can say that and trust that He does, indeed, have a plan for me.

If you would have told me a year ago that I would be a student again after almost a decade, I would have called you crazy. As it turns out, I may be the crazy one. It wasn't until May of 2015 that I even decided to go on this adventure. Here I am, about to start my second term tomorrow. It is truly a God thing. I always wanted to continue my education, but didn't know what area to pursue. All along, God had a plan. For the last few years, I have been hearing more and more about adoption. God has been bringing it to light through sermons, news stories, and friends. God has truly given me a passion for this area. I still don't know how exactly this will play out in my life, but I am excited to see how God will use this as I take one step at a time, in faith, to pursue a degree and possible career in this field. Maybe this is why I'm single. For such a time as this, to study and move in this direction without the distraction of kids around. Time will tell. God's grace is marvelous!

If you would have told me a year ago that my entire immediate family would be together at Christmas, and be happy to do so, I would have been extremely hesitant to believe you. This time last year, my family was in complete turmoil. Life as I had known it for 30ish years, was over. Part of my family wasn't speaking to one another, and everyone was deeply hurting. (See blog post from August 2014 for more details.) Things are still far from what they once were in my family. There is still hurt in each person's life from things that happened. But through the grace of God, restoration has begun. I teared up as I sat in a Christmas Eve service at my church with most of my family sitting there. People sitting next to each other who definitely would not have even been in the same building a year ago. Things will most likely never be the same, but God's grace brings healing, and He is good.

If you would have told me a year ago, that my work life would look completely different, I would have cried. Truth be told, I did cry, a lot, when I found out about the changes that were to come. My comfort zone was being ripped away. The person who I had worked closest with for years was taking a new position, and work as I knew it would change. Because of these changes, however, I was able to go back to school, to work a different schedule. Yes, I work with different people and in a different classroom, at different times than I have for years. Yes, it was a hard adjustment at times and I'm still getting used to the new routine. Yes, I still mostly love my job. God's grace has brought me out of my comfort zone and back to why I do what I do. I get paid to talk to kids about Jesus, to pray with people, to see God working in lives. How cool is that?!?! God is good.

All of this is just a small glimpse into my life in 2015. It may not have looked how I thought it should, but when I really stop to think about it, even amongst the chaos and tears, God has remained faithful and He has me on a journey that is so much greater than I could ever plan for myself. He is faithful, and has truly given me grace upon grace.

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