Thursday, May 21, 2015

An Ode to Maddie Grace

It was May 4th, 1989,
Life with one sibling was going just fine.

The next day when I opened my eyes,
I had no idea that this day would bring a big surprise.

When Madisan Grace entered the world my sister count doubled,
But I was overjoyed, not worried or troubled.

We were five years apart and not always on the same page,
But we loved each other, even when that love was hard to gauge.

Our childhood years were full of things like bike rides, laughter, face slapping wars,
Arguing, gaming, and paying her a penny to do my chores.

Although we disagreed about things such as watching Rugrats or the Olympic Games,
When honor was due, she was quick to give rousing acclaims.

As we've grown older, I've learned to treasure her as not only a sister, but also a dear friend,
My love for Maddie has only grown even as our lives twist and bend.

She is funny and honest and loves others lots,
She deserves happiness, love, and lots of big yachts.

Through life's trials she doesn't make things up and try to save face,
She's kind and compassionate, always showing God's grace.

Now her life is full of mushiness, hugs, and kisses,
I am so glad that she met Jacob and that soon she will be his Mrs.

So tomorrow we celebrate with vows, laughter, family and cheers,
Here's to wishing you many extraordinarily happy and love-filled years!

I love you Maddie Grace!

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