Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thankful for Adoption

Tomorrow is the last day of November. I have felt an urging all month to write something in honor of National Adoption Month, yet I haven't known where to start. To be honest, I still don't know exactly what will come of this blog post, but with much prayer, I am moving forward and trusting that God will use my fingers moving across my keyboard to share a small part of my journey, in hopes that it may be helpful or encouraging to someone else.

As some of you know, adoption is something near and dear to my heart. No, I am not adopted in an earthly or legal sense, but I am adopted in a spiritual sense. This has become more and more real to me over the last few years, and has changed the direction of my life. I firmly believe that I am adopted into the family of God, by grace alone. This has been true for more than a few years, but has become more evident in my life as I seek God and His direction in my life more. Not only am I adopted, but I am also called to adoption. This may mean physical, legal adoption, or it may mean something else entirely. I don't know how God will use me, but as I put one foot in front of the other, walking in faith, I can't wait to see how He will carry this out in my life. More on that later...

First, why adoption? The "easy" answer to this question  is because God adopted me. I have known this, and have read scriptures about being adopted into God's family many times. I have been moving in the direction that He is leading because of this knowledge. I love it though, when God confirms that you're moving in the right direction when you least expect it. This happened a few weeks ago, when I was doing my Bible study. I was not studying adoption on purpose, and was in fact doing a study that I'm going through with some other ladies on the book of Revelation when Romans 11 was assigned to read. It is a passage that I have ready many times, God's word truly is living and active, and this particular passage hit me hard this time. I had to stop, mid passage, and thank God for adoption. I have been chewing on this for a few weeks now. God is so good.

"So I ask, did they stumble in order that they might fall? By no means! Rather through their trespass salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel jealous. Now if their trespass means riches for the world, and if their failure means riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!  Now I am speaking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch then as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry in order somehow to make my fellow Jews jealous, and thus save some of them.  For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead?  If the dough offered as firstfruits is holy, so is the whole lump, and if the root is holy, so are the branches.  But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root[ of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches. If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you. Then you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.”  That is true. They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand fast through faith. So do not become proud, but fear.  For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you. Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God's kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off.  And even they, if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in, for God has the power to graft them in again.  For if you were cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, the natural branches, be grafted back into their own olive tree." (Romans 11:11-24)

There is much to be gleaned from this passage, and it would take much longer than a few minutes to really dig in deeply into what it means, but the part that struck me anew a few weeks ago is the assurance that I am grafted in to God's family. I am part of His family tree. He has adopted me, given me what I need. He has given me life. I'm not an outsider who knows that His family tree exists, I am a part of the tree! Seriously, how cool is that?!?!?!

What does it mean to be adopted into God's family? It means, first and foremost, that He calls me His child. I have rights to an inheritance far greater than anything that I deserve. I get to lean upon Him. I get to spend an eternity with my heavenly Father. I also have a spiritual family that I am incredibly thankful for. As I was sitting in church today, there were some somber moments. Some dear friends were worshipping with our church body for possibly the last time today as God is leading them and their family in a different direction. As I was reflecting on this, I was reminded that they, and other people are part of my spiritual family. I have been adopted into God's family, and His people have been an awesome support for me over the years.

My own earthly family is great. I am blessed to have grown up with people who love Jesus. With that being said though, there have also been times when I have had to lean on my spiritual family. There are times when God uses my earthly family in my life and times that He puts other people into my life to speak truth into my life, to cry with me, to laugh with me, to encourage me, etc. I am so thankful to have such great family support, both of my biological family and my brothers and sisters
in Christ.

I am also fortunate enough to have some dear people in my life, who love Jesus, and have adopted children into their homes. Some are still in the process and some have adopted several children. I have loved prayerfully walking alongside of them on their adoption journeys. God has used each of them in incredible ways in these kids' lives and, whether they know it or not, in mine. It is such an inspiration to see lives being changed because of God's love, and these peoples' love for children.

All that being said, where does that leave me? How can I take this adoption that I have received and in turn, show the world what it means to be adopted? That, my friends, is what I have been trying to figure out for the last couple of years, and the last six months in particular. I am currently going to school to work in the adoption arena in some capacity. I don't know what that will look like yet. I am, however, trusting God and taking steps forward as He leads. Will I one day be in a place to physically, legally adopt a child? I don't know. Can I support adoption now? Absolutely.

If I am adopted as God's child, wouldn't it seem like a natural thing to turn around and share that adoption with others? I don't think Christians often enough realize what God has called us all to. Many times, scripture tells us to help the orphans and widows. How are we doing that? I don't think that God calls everyone to physically adopt, but I do believe that He commands all believers to help orphans and widows. As I've pondered what that means during this National Adoption Month, I am broken. I have not done enough. I have often taken my own adoption for granted and not shared the good news of the Gospel with others.

I am in no place financially or circumstantially to physically, legally, adopt any children right now. I can,  however do a few other things:

*Pray for children who need a family
*Pray those working with these children
*Support friends who are seeking to adopt financially
*Support friends who are seeking to adopt in prayer.
*Support adoption agencies.
*Share the gospel and the story of being adopted into God's family
*Love, support, pray with, cry with, other members of God's family who have been adopted.
*Thank God
These are just a few ways to get involved in the cause. There are many more. Pray about it. Seek how God would have you support adoption causes, not just during November, but throughout the year as well. Sorry this was so long and rambly (yes, I know that I made that word up), but I hope someone is encouraged by this.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Student Life

Howdy folks!

It's been about four months since I last posted, and a lot has changed in my life since then, so I thought I'd briefly share a little of my adventure.

Well, I really did it. I enrolled in college and am well into the second week of being a student for the first time in approximately ten years. To say that starting school again after all this time nerve wrecking, overwhelming, or just outright scary would be an understatement. I was terrified, but trying to trust God that this is the direction that He has me going, that some day, when I get to help the cause of adoption in some way, shape, or form, it will all be worth it.

I'm only taking one class this term for a couple of reasons. Firstly, so that I could "ease" back into the whole school routine, and secondly, because I was too late to apply for financial aid for this term, so I had to pay out of pocket for the class (and it's NOT cheap! and I don't make a lot of money at my job). This term I am taking Religion in US Culture. I thought it would be an interesting class, and it fits the criteria for two different kinds of classes that I have to take to get a degree. Also, it will help me in my future career/ministry, to know where people of different religious backgrounds are coming from.

This class is online, and so has A LOT of reading associated with it. That has been the hardest thing to figure out. I've learned that I need to seriously work on my time management skills. There are also discussion questions that need be answered by certain times.  I'm not going to lie, I've been completely overwhelmed at times, trying to figure out how to fit the deadlines and get the reading in with my schedule. Just last night, I was talking to my mom on the phone and started crying talking about how every spare minute seems to be taken up and I'm only taking one class this term. It's overwhelming.

That being said, I still do need to get the routine figured out, but as of tonight, I've decided that I really do like the class. Maybe it's because so far we've been covering Judaism and Christianity, so I already have a pretty good foundation to build off of. (Confession: I haven't been reading everything since I already know the basics). Tonight, I even got giddy choosing what discussion question to answer. I was going to call it a night and just answer the first question (we get to choose one of 3-4 questions to answer and then respond to someone's answer). Then, upon further reading I saw a word that stood out to me. It was almost as if it was a neon sign for me to see. The word: Predestination. The theology nerd in me came alive. I got to use scripture, and share what my views of predestination are and how that affects how I live. And this is homework? Deal!

I know that things won't always be this ideal. I'll probably have to read more in the coming weeks as we dive into other religions and the answers may not always come as easily for me, but I really do enjoy learning what makes people tick. There is something intriguing about people who live differently than I do. This is why I semi-guiltily have been known to watch shows such as "Sister Wives" and 'Amish: Out of Order." Not because I believe that polygamy is right and I have no desire to become Amish, I just like to observe how people do things. I like to try and figure out why they  believe what they do. This class will be great for that.

So, all that being said, after being a student for almost two weeks now, school is: scary, exciting, stretching, overwhelming, frustrating, fun, challenging, and adventurous. That's where I'm at right now. Riding the roller coaster and trying to enjoy the ride more than screaming in fear. It's touch and go sometimes, but when I stop and reflect, I can see God's hand guiding me along the way.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

An Ode to Maddie Grace

It was May 4th, 1989,
Life with one sibling was going just fine.

The next day when I opened my eyes,
I had no idea that this day would bring a big surprise.

When Madisan Grace entered the world my sister count doubled,
But I was overjoyed, not worried or troubled.

We were five years apart and not always on the same page,
But we loved each other, even when that love was hard to gauge.

Our childhood years were full of things like bike rides, laughter, face slapping wars,
Arguing, gaming, and paying her a penny to do my chores.

Although we disagreed about things such as watching Rugrats or the Olympic Games,
When honor was due, she was quick to give rousing acclaims.

As we've grown older, I've learned to treasure her as not only a sister, but also a dear friend,
My love for Maddie has only grown even as our lives twist and bend.

She is funny and honest and loves others lots,
She deserves happiness, love, and lots of big yachts.

Through life's trials she doesn't make things up and try to save face,
She's kind and compassionate, always showing God's grace.

Now her life is full of mushiness, hugs, and kisses,
I am so glad that she met Jacob and that soon she will be his Mrs.

So tomorrow we celebrate with vows, laughter, family and cheers,
Here's to wishing you many extraordinarily happy and love-filled years!

I love you Maddie Grace!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Taking Steps of Faith

Adoption: It is a word that we may hear often, but may not really stop and consider what it means or how it affects people every day. Chances are that we know someone who has been adopted, or has adopted/will adopt children. We often throw the word around lightly, for instance, calling a good friend's parents our "adoptive parents."

As Christians, adoption should mean a whole lot more to us. This is something that God has been putting on my heart for the last few years. We are adopted by God! This is a HUGE truth that we often don't really stop and think about. We are part of His family! We don't deserve it, but He chose us to be His children. How cool is that?!?!

As I said, this has been on my heart for a few years, and in the last few months, even more so. I watched the movie "The Drop Box" and walked away saying, "I want to hug those hurting mamas and love on those precious kids." I've seen friends go through the process of adopting children. I've had countless conversations with people about adoption. In each of these instances, God has clearly laid the importance of adoption on my heart. Every time I think, "I have to do something. These kids need to know love."

After watching "The Drop Box" I cried out to God asking how I could help. What He would have for me in the area of adoption, why this kept coming up. I knew that it was time to take a step of faith. I am in no place personally to adopt right now. I know without a doubt that is not the way that God is leading me for this stage of life. I do, however, want to glorify Him by helping in the adoption process.

After doing some research and a whole lot of praying, I looked into working for adoption agencies of some kind. I quickly discovered that a college degree would help tremendously if I want to help these kiddos. I had been thinking about going back to school, but was directionless. After much prayer, I am taking a step of faith and beginning the process of going back to school to get a degree in social work.

Life may be crazy for the next couple of years, but the timing worked out perfectly with a change of schedule at my current job so that I can begin taking some classes. I don't know for sure what God has planned in my life. I don't know what my future job will be or how I will help the adoption process. I do know, that I am putting one foot in front of the other and taking one step of faith at a time. I know that God is guiding me toward the adoption field at this stage in my life. I know that He has a plan and is trustworthy. I know that my life is in His hands. I know that I am adopted by Him. I know that He calls us to care for the fatherless and the widows.

For now, I go with what I know to be true of Him and putting one step in front of the other. Steps of faith... Here we go!