Thursday, October 19, 2017

These Are a Few of my Favorite Reads (As of late)

If  you know me, you know that I love to read. Unfortunately, as a student, much of my reading lately has been in text books. It takes me awhile to get through books these days, but I take advantage of breaks and those random "spare moments" to read something fun whenever I can. While I enjoy novels from time to time, lately I've been on a memoir kick. I love hearing people's stories whether in person or through the pages of a book. There are five strong women whose words I've enjoyed reading in the last several months and I thought I would share them with those of you who enjoy reading as much as I do. Even if I own more books than I have time to read, I am always excited to receive book recommendations, so please leave any recommendations in the comments.

I have had the privilege of being on the launch teams for two different books in the last few months. This first book comes out in just a few days, but if I were you, I'd pre-order it so you have it in your possession as soon as possible. I can't wait for my friends to get their hands on it so that I can discuss it with them! Dance Stand Run is a book written by Jess Connolly and it has seriously changed my life. The main message of this book is about living in both holiness and grace as you walk with God. Every chapter made me stop, think, pray, and praise Jesus! It was challenging, but in a good way and I am more in love with my Savior after reading Jess' words.

The other book that I have had the privilege of being on the launch team for is Jamie Ivey's If You Only Knew. I have been following Jamie and listening to her podcast, The Happy Hour for a couple years now. What I love about her both on her podcast and in her writing, is how it really feels like you're just sitting and chatting with a friend. She keeps life real. This book is great for anyone who does not feel like they fit into the church or that God would never forgive them for the sin that they keep hidden. Jamie's vulnerability about experiences in her life and the path to finding that Jesus is better was a great read! I could not put this book down and read it in two days! This book releases on January 30, 2018 and I have a feeling everyone will love it as much as me!

And Still She Laughs by Kate Merrick was a difficult, emotional read for sure, but I highly recommend it. I first heard Kate and her husband speak at the IF:Gathering about the tragedy that had happened in their life and their walk with Jesus before, during, and after. When I heard that she had a book out, I knew I had to read it. Life, and walks of faith are not always easy, but God calls us to live in joy and this book speaks of that in a real-life way.

On a little lighter note, Lorelei Gilmore, I mean Lauren Graham, wrote a book entitled Talking as Fast as I Can that was a fun read. Actually, I listened to the audio book, which she read. Growing up watching the Gilmore Girls, it was fun to hear some behind-the-scenes information and listen to her reminisce about some life-changing times in her life. Like I mentioned earlier, I just like to hear people's stories and attempt to figure out what makes them tick.

Last, but not least, I want to recommend a book by another celebrity. I fell in love with Kimberly Williams-Paisley as a child when I watched Father of the Bride over and over and over again. Her husband's music is high on my list of favorites as well. When I saw that she wrote a book about her life as the daughter of someone with Alzheimer's, you guessed it, I was intrigued by her story. I am glad to say that Where the Light Gets in did not disappoint. She writes so well of her journey. My only warning is that I don't recommend reading certain parts of it while sitting in a public area such as a coffee shop or people may wonder about the tears streaming down your face (or so I hear). 

As always, thank you for reading my ramblings and I hope these book recommendations inspire someone to pick up a book and read! Clickable links to all of these books can be found in their descriptions. Feel free to recommend more books in the comments!